He danced to the tunes of some of his own songs as people also
rejoiced. The songs of the films include Devdas, Jab Tak Hain Jaan and Don. It was
an awesome moment as SRK was totally drenched in the common man around him.
The celebrations, which were organized by the MNS, could have
gone wrong when the crowd asked Shah Rukh Khan to speak in Marathi. The request
to speak in Marathi came after his speech of around 15 minutes. What Shah Rukh
did was instead of speaking in Marathi, he handed over the mike to the MNS
leader, Ram Kadam.
However, Ram Kadam came to the rescue in the situation and as
per SRK’s request he translated the speech in Marathi. It was a saving grace on
the part of the MNS leader.