Naturally they should be. As a matter of fact, the officials of the UTV Motion Pictures said, they had never asked for the money back. However, they accepted the money that Ash promptly returned to them. But the money that she returned was a surprise move on the parts of UTV Motion Pictures.
Here is the reason for the production house to be surprised when Ash gave the money back. Aishwarya had been available for the shoot for as many as eight days. Apart from that, she also took part in the ‘look tests’. In ‘look tests’ she was photographed in her movie costumes.
It did not end here. The production house praised Ash saying that she had the rights to keep the amount and yet she returned it. Moreover, she did not demand any acting fees as well.
Initially, Kareena Kapoor was signed for the film. However, when she came to know the details of the film, she backed off. Later Aishwarya Rai took over. But now, as destined, Kareena Kapoor has been taken back in the film. But she came back with her own terms.