Amitabh had given a nine digit number. But there were brilliant callers waiting to pounce on the opportunity. They tried each of the digits – 1, 2, 3 and in that order. However, the person to suffer the most was one Puneet Bansal. He received thousands of calls from both India and abroad who wanted to speak with Mr. Bachchan.
There was a property dealer one Inder Preet Singh from Jalandhar, who too who was a part of the harassment. He got around 4000 calls in a couple of days. However, as he always needs to keep his mobile on due to work profile could not afford to switch off his phone. However, he has decided not to take any legal action.
However, as the latest reports suggest, the programme will run a special apology from the sets of the KBC. This information was given by the PA of Amitabh Bachchan.