This is probably what the makers
of the film are contemplating and have gone ahead with the idea of having one
full song to be shot on the ‘serial-kisser’. Unlike Bollywood, most Hollywood
films are not known to have songs in them. However, Danis Tanovic, the Oscar
winner has decided to make this rule an exception.
The writer and director, Danis
Tanovic, did not sign Emraan blindly. Actually he watched many of Emraan’s
films and was very much aware of the fact that his songs have done better than
his films, commercially. This is the point that Danis Tanovic wants to exploit
and had that in mind when he signed the Indian actor.
The production house has made this
sure that the song will be a mixture of English as well as Hindi. This is more
likely to appeal to the international audience in this way.