Speaking after winning the show, Gauhar Khan said that she
was confident of winning the title this season. However, she did admit that she
never expected to win it. She confirmed it when only she along with Tanisha
were left as both Ajaz Khan and Sangram Singh got eliminated one by one.
Salman Khan announced the winner as he held the hand of both
the ladies. To his right was Tanisha and to the left was Gauhar. And Salman raised
his left hand to proclaim Gauhar as the winner of Bigg Boss Saath 7.
Gauhar said that she felt lucky to have won the show. She also
said that she was grateful to the audience and the fans who voted for her.
Gauhar Khan won an award of Rs. 50 lakhs in cash as well as a trophy.
She spent 104 days in the house of Bigg Boss.