Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fardeen Khan’s wife Natasha endures miscarriage

Fardeen Khan’s wife Natasha endured one of the most unwanted and unfortunate spell of fate when she suffered a miscarriage. We recently had an example of the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton was suffering from morning sickness. There was a gloom and the family members seemed saddened.
“As delighted as we were to announce Natasha's pregnancy, I am equally saddened to say she had a late miscarriage,” this is what Fardeen tweeted on Twitter. However, the couple is trying to cope with the unfortunate turn of events.
Fardeen said that his wife was a woman of strong emotions and was trying to cope up with the situation. He however frankly told that Natasha was doing well; her health was fine so they could try again.
The two of them were married in December 2005 and expecting twins.