Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thank You Friends

Thanks a lot friends. With your help I was able to come tantalizingly close to a monthly traffic of 50,000 visitors for the month of May 2011. (you can see it in the attached screenshot of the "Stats" of my blog). The total hits I got were 49, 305. Without your help it would have never been possible.Thanks again. With this unprecedented figure, I am very much willing to help the others too with links and backlings. It's completely legit and there's nothing wrong. So, those who are fighting with traffic and blogs, come here and be active with your backlinks and blogrolls.
In the meantime, in the month of April, I started my group "Bollywood Tribe" on Facebook and interacted with friends there. Did a lot of social marketing and the results are for all to be seen. The increase has been around 500% compared to the 200% in the last single month.
I invite you to join my group on Facebook.All are welcome!
Thanx once again!!!